dpp Network Photographer
Entry Age:
30 - 60 years old
30 - 60 Jahre
Studio, Agency, Editorial
Studio, Agentur, Redaktion
Skills & Experience:
Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen:
For every illegal copy and use we charge 1.000 € basic fee© All rights reserved/dpp + Studio/Atelier
Life in photographs©
Dokumentation + Reportage
deutsche photo presse
Visual Story telling
Theme development/Themenentwicklung
with written script/in schriftlicher Berichtsform
formal writing skills/formale Schreibfähigkeiten
E-Mails, Reports (Berichte) Short Stories
Mother language plus English
Muttersprache und English
Knowledge, Skills, Experience
Wissen, Fähigkeiten, Erfahrungen
Pre shoots/Organisation
Documentation/Reportage/Story telling
conceptual photo series
konzeptionelle Fotoserien
Composing Skills
Post Production (journalistisch)
Bildbearbeitung (journalistisch)
Basics about your national media law
Project Management + Administration
Documentation, Reporting, Controlling,
Communication skills
Themes and interests:
Art & Culture
Travel Press
Corporate Communication (PR)
Street Photography
Full Format Camera + Lens
Laptop * Software (Mac + Parallels)
Microsoft Office
Skype, Teams - Video Communication
WhatsApp/WeChat (China)
Member of a professional association
Mitglied in einem Berufsverband
Must have/Pflichtnachweis
You are a official registered freelance photographer
Sie sind offiziell registrierter Berufsfotograf
with Taxnumber/mit Steuernummer/Insurance/Versicherung
You are trustworthy/Sie sind vertrauenswürdig
dpp deutsche photo presse
We reply within 48 hours
The dpp is looking for experienced freelance-
photographers to build an international dpp network.
With a total of 40 years of experience in the media
business on all continents, we are continuing to
expand the picture agency dpp deutsche photo
We are looking for experienced freelance photo-
graphers with special qualities. Mastering the
photographic requirements only meets the minimum
requirements at this point.
Visual story telling is not just a job, but a passion
and part of our lives.
We look, show and report what it is like.
Without KI, without manipulation and authentic.
Commitet to the truth. Our thing is exciting
documentaries and reports.
We are looking for „Photographer“, not for „picture
taker“, with knowledge and experience in visual
story telling. We look for individuals with personality
and character and not conformity. Capable of action.
We have a strong commitment for this
If, like us, you stand for freedom of the press,
respect for human rights and fair play for
everyone, you meet an important first
Another important skill is being open and happy
to exchange ideas and thoughts with others.
dpp network photographers represent a strong
and loyal community.
We show social competence, empathy and
understanding. Because our business is a
people business everywhere in the world.
In times of manipulative journalism, dpp sees
itself as a mission for information and
enlightenment. We stand for reason.
We do not offer any space for extreme views,
political agitation or even hatred.
That's why the process of becoming a dpp
network photographer is different. This is not a
sprint, but initially just a mutual rapprochement.
We have time and we take time because we
respect different cultures and therefore different
ways of thinking.
Don´t hesitate to write a first unbinding letter
to show your interest for becoming a dpp
network photographer. Please no standard
biography with standard cover letter or in a
tabular form. Please individual.
Where? First round
EU- all capitol cities
incl. UK incl. Ukraine
New York, USA
Washington DC, USA
Central and South America
Asia (complete)
China: Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong
Visual journalists